FREE WORKSHOP Week 10: Lack of Adequate Training


Hi everyone,

How did everyone go with last weeks’ topic Lack of Leadership. Did you share your experiences, prior and after the changes.

If you haven’t, please feel free to do so.

This week we will be talking about the Lack of Adequate Training, being provided for foremen like yourselves around the world.

There’s currently a large gap between what’s being taught at education centres such as universities, colleges, tafe through theory of general and broad courses, opposed to what’s actually required in the construction industry, irrespective where you are around the world.

And this gap is growing, with greater pressures of educational centres to be more flexible and adaptable to individuals at a change of a hat. It’s also becoming ever more important for courses and training to be specific to a key element of the profession from fortnightly programming right through to time management and so on.

In today’s, climate with greater pressure of living costs, work/life flexibility and insecurity of our careers, access to the latest and most advanced information and techniques, combined with flexible education can be the difference between your success or failure.

In combating against the lack of adequate training, our core focus at learn2exceed is specifically around filling this gaps in bringing to life these trainings, courses, mentoring, programs, books and making them available under one website.

Some of the immediate key areas that we are working on are successful fortnightly/main programming, leadership, productive management, clear communication, time management, defect distribution management, task integration management and so on which accommodate for 80% of the issues and are specific, short and easy to learn in driving you forward in you profession and education, to becoming a Productive Foremen.

So check it out at learn2exceed for current training available in expanding your knowledge base in making you a Productive Foremen.

Also if you got an idea of any areas, subjects or training, you would like to know more about, we would love to hear it…

Also whilst there, check out our Weekly Newsletter and Subscribe, if you haven’t already.

So in conclusion, hope you found the FREE 10 Week Workshop: The 10 Key Causes, why Foremen are failing in projects, informative and educational.

And like all things, they come to an end… 🙁


… hold it 🙂 Who said it had to stop?

We are just wrapping up our FREE WEBINAR – My Winning Formula for SUCCESSFUL PROGRAMMING in Construction (TM), so check it out.

Till next week,


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