FREE WORKSHOP Week 2: Poor Time Management

Hi Guys, how did you go last week with Lack of Accountability. If you haven’t, please feel free to jump back to last post and read/comment on it. There is no time limit.

For this week workshop we will be talking about Poor Time Management and techniques that you can use in improving the way you think and work through your projects.

Have you been working 10-14 hours a day, 6-7 days a week (total 72-98 hours/week) on a regular occurrence, week after week. Well your not alone. And this is only going to get worse, with foremen like yourself under enormous pressures to complete project, successfully on time and within budget. It’s no wonder you do the hours they do.

But what if there is a way to reduce your working hours to 8-10 hours a day, 5 days a week (total 40-50 hours/week) and get more done, with less stress and more control. Well you can and it begins with Time Management, in becoming a Productive Foremen.

Now who wants to waste their time?

Well I’m sure consciously you don’t, but unfortunately what you’ve been taught till now, has actually taught you the opposite. Where it was about the hours you did and not what you actually did with them.

And that was fine previously, when you would be paid by hours and so all this extra overtime meant more money. But not today, with the introduction of fixed salary or capped pay, it doesn’t matter how many hours you did, you still get paid the same.

What a bummer for employees but great for employers 🙁

Now it’s time to change your tactic by improving how effective and efficient you are with your time. This also will contribute to you becoming a Productive Foremen in balancing your work/family ratio and enjoying the extra time with friends and family too.

So begin with putting down on paper, what you spend your time on site doing. It may look something like this:

  • 8 hours – dealing with contractors issues on site
  • 1 hour – lunch break, if your lucky 🙂
  • 1 hour – arranging future works (programme/planning)
  • 1 hour – dealing with client/stakeholders issues
  • 2 hours – dealing with engineers, architects etc

Feel free to send them through and share with the team.

Now, can you see that on this example there is a lot of time being spent on contractors/issues (reactive) and hardly any time on programme/planning (proactive). Which is preventing you from effective use of your time, as Productive Foremen on the project, in effectively and efficiently directing and managing all the current and future tasks at hand.

Try it and re-arrange your time and focus towards more proactive tasks, in driving the project and team, forward.

Which interestingly ties in with next weeks workshop: Lack of Forward Thinking

Just remember you can be so much more, simply by taking action, now.

And don’t forget to comment on the post:)

Till next week,


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