FREE WORKSHOP Week 3: Lack of Forward Thinking

Hi all,

How did everyone go with Poor Time Management, last week. Let us know, whether good or bad it’s important to us as a way of gauging how we are doing and more importantly, what we can improve on, in giving you guys the best possible.

This weeks workshop, ties in with last week time management, with the Lack of Forward Thinking. Which is, being in a Reactive State, where all your time is being taken up, responding to all sorts of issues, leaving no time for forward thinking, in planning out your upcoming works/tasks, contractors in meeting or exceeding current programme.

This is important, in putting you back in the drivers seat as Productive Foremen with the Power of Forward Thinking.

One of the ways you can do this is through implementing regular review of your fortnightly/main programme and plans/specs, throughout the life of the project. This will enable you to understand, predict and anticipate the potential issues, delays and drawbacks that may be brewing around the corner.

And the greatest thing is, when your regularly at this state, it’s easier to manage and plan ahead in efficiencies and effective management of contractors, suppliers, and even as far as invoicing and payments right through to developments, undertaking projects and importing mass products from the other side of the world.

Its also about adjusting and altering the sequence of events or tasks, in accomodating the changes as the consequences occur. Since this enables you to keep your eye focused on current and future events as well as reactions to the changes that you make along the way.

And just remember this is not just for your profession as Productive Foremen but also works for your life goals, as well.

So apply what you’ve learnt today, through the week onto your project and share how you went with us.

For next week we will be focusing on Why Foremen are Oblivious to Fortnightly Programmes.

Till next week, enjoy.


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