Power of Communication

Hey Guys,

How did everyone go with Fortnightly and Main Programme Integration.

Did you share your experiences and difficulties around it. If not, please do so, we would love to hear it.

Today, i thought we would talk about the Power of Communication and the affects of it on projects, around the world.

And whilst, i’m sure we could spread this across quite a few different areas, i thought today, we would focus on the effects of communication, specifically on the contractors.

And the reason, i choose this was to focus on a key area which can have a significant effect on the results of your projects, in helping you became a Productive Foremen.

Traditionally, communication between foremen and the contractor was through dictatorship, whereby the foremen would initiate commands of what had to be done. Without any concern with regards to the contractors, what so ever… and whilst this was ok and perhaps the norm, back 10-20 years ago, things have change.

And rightfully so, since this type of communication resulted only in favour of the foremen, whilst not for the contractors. A Win/Lose situation, which cannot be sustained and tended to bring multiple issues including agitated reaction/difficulties, high pricing and an overall negative vibe throughout the project.

I’ve also seen a whole project, through the negative attitude being communicated through the foremen into all aspects. Literally turning “A Can Do” attitude in communicating positively in all areas and getting a great result, then over a period of a week, the project turned into “a Cannot Do” attitude.

And unfortunately this was communicated to all and resulted with even the basic tasks, becoming difficult and dragging out, way longer that it should off.

But then within a short period of time, i was able to turn the situation on its head,  through effective/positive communication with the contractors/workforce. And through this was able to wrap up the project within record time.

Just remember, the way you communicate to others, will determine the results you get back. So as a Productive Foremen, focus on maintaining a positive, Can Do Attitude at all times, in ensuring your success.

PS: Just wanted to let you guys know, that during the month of August, we will be giving a 39% discount on our 6 Weeks Online Course: My Winning Formula for Successful Programming in Construction.

So check it out the FREE WEBINAR, specifically about it.

So stay tuned…

Till next week,





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